Conveying your concerns and opinions personally and professionally is essential, but many people struggle because they fear appearing too passive or aggressive. How do you communicate assertively?
When you firmly convey your demands and opinions in a balanced, transparent, and mature manner while taking into account the needs and perspectives of others, you are engaging in assertive communication.
The stress levels may rise as a result of inadequate communication. That is why assertiveness is a helpful skill since it empowers you to assess a situation and stand up for yourself. Let us look at assertive communication tips in this article, emphasizing the power of “saying no” without feeling guilty. Read on!
Tip#1: Start Small
Start small and practice your new capabilities in low-risk settings if saying what you want or think is tricky. For example, before confronting a difficult situation at work, practice assertiveness with family or friends. After that, assess yourself and make any necessary adjustments to your strategy.
To ensure you’re communicating your views to the other person, never overlook how important it is to actively listen and empathize with the other person. After assessing the situation, maintain eye contact and use an average conversational volume to convey and clarify your point of view. The key is to sound firm without being aggressive.
Tip#2: Understand Your Needs
Clear and genuine expressions about your ideas, interests, and emotions make up assertive communication. Consider it a healthy middle ground between passive and aggressive communication. You don’t have to feel guilty about your needs when you make decisions for yourself about what you will and will not do.
Keep in mind that everyone has the right to refuse anything. Even yet, simply voicing the request may open a discussion that leads to a mutually beneficial arrangement.
Tip#3: Learn to use ‘I’ statements
Starting a phrase with ‘I’, such as ‘I wish’, makes it easier to discuss difficult emotions. You can demonstrate how the situation affects you and prevent others from feeling blamed. It assists you in effectively communicating your messages. The reason for this is that aggressive statements usually start with the word ‘you’.
Exaggerated terms like “always” and “never” should be avoided. Instead of telling them they always do a terrible job, use facts rather than judgments while being tactful. This may include pointing out a specific shortcoming in their work.
The purpose of assertiveness is to focus on the speaker’s views or emotions rather than the traits attributed to the listener.
Learn more about this useful life skill. Check on these examples!
- This is critical, and I don’t have the time to devote to it right now. Is it possible to schedule a meeting?
- Thank you, but I’d like some alone time right now.
- I feel frustrated when…
- I disagree with you. This is how I perceive the situation…
- Thank you for thinking of me, but I think I will refuse this offer.
- I have a different point of view. That, I believe…
- I understand you want me to complete the task. I have, however, already made plans for…
- I see your point of view, however, I disagree because…
The Takeaway
Some individuals regard assertiveness as useless arrogance. However, assertive communication is usually the best method to confront certain situations and resolve relevant issues. It, however, has to be executed in the proper manner.
It’s never inappropriate to communicate your thoughts and sentiments. There are numerous ways to do it in a respectful and tactful manner. Know more about assertiveness! Check this out!