Why Stress Kills

Why Stress Kills

Stress has the ability to affect a wide range of  our well-being quite negatively. What are the detrimental effects of stress? Read more to find out! Physiological Stress kills because, during times of stress, there is a recurring and continuous increase in heart rate and heightened levels of stress hormones. This affects the cardiovascular system, […]

How To Be Assertive Without Being Obnoxious

Have you ever found yourself in a position where you couldn’t do anything? Or do you find yourself agreeing to something, even though it goes against your beliefs? To solve such circumstances it is important to understand that value of assertiveness. So What Exactly is Assertiveness? Assertiveness is the ability to effectively communicate and negotiate. […]

Are You Missing Out? #FOMO

Missing Out? FOMO or the Fear-Of-Missing-Out is a real phenomenon that was added to the Oxford English Dictionary in 2013. It is an anxious feeling you get when you feel other people might be having a good time without you. It becomes a “pervasive apprehension that others might be having rewarding experiences while one is […]

Why Freedom is a Responsibility

Power & Responsibility In the movie ‘Spiderman’, Peter Parker had his famous line “With great power, comes great responsibility”. Regular people like us possess no special powers like Spiderman does but we actually have ‘Freedom’. Freedom is power and we all tend to over use it while at the same time overlook what it can […]

The Good in Confusion

Often one questions his God and the supernatural beings (like saints and angels) as to why his life becomes a journey of pure suffering, confusion and deception. Though never did one desire to travel the path as Christ have taken but it seems like every step is a step to a chaotic beginning leading to […]

Forgiving but NOT forgetting

To Err is Human, To Forgive Divine….a biblical passage that explains why we should learn to forgive because God in his greatness forgives. But what is inevitable is to forego the ability to forget. Once a mistake have caused immense pain then we naturally succumb to its effect. The consequence of being prone to hurts […]

The Art of ‘Blending In’

‘No man is an island’ as the saying goes. Humans have the need to belong, to be affirmed, and appreciated. The desire to connect with others even at this time of immense technological development has grown. Everyone is acting towards the recognition given by the significant others. The need to be appreciated and recognized begins […]