Are You Missing Out? #FOMO

Missing Out? FOMO or the Fear-Of-Missing-Out is a real phenomenon that was added to the Oxford English Dictionary in 2013. It is an anxious feeling you get when you feel other people might be having a good time without you. It becomes a “pervasive apprehension that others might be having rewarding experiences while one is […]


Coronavirus myths

The crisis brought about by Covid-19 across the globe has become so imminent. As the global pandemic, based on the classification made by the World Health Organization (WHO) on March 11, 2020 continues to affect every citizen of the world, misinformation is aggravating the already serious situation. Myths and misleading ‘truths’ about the ‘coronavirus’ are […]

Art is Life : Life is Art

Art is a concept which basically provides colour and substance to human existence. Life without art is dull and without meaning. Art stimulates our senses and cognitive abilities as it allows the expression of emotions and the subjective self.  It is a tangible manifestation and product of human activity that allows the expression of individuality […]

Writing to Express

Writing is a way to express oneself. A very efficient way to speak the mind. Whether you write in the vernacular, your own language or using the universal language ‘English’ it will always be the best way to relay and communicate feelings, insights and knowledge that emanates either from the mind or the heart. Of […]