Writing to Express

Writing is a skill that will enable you to articulate your perspectives and connect with others, promoting personal growth and self-awareness.

Accept Change as a Permanent Reality

There is the popular adage which states that “nothing is permanent is this world and in this life except for change”. Change is inevitable. It can lead you to achieve your end. Humans are subjected to the effects of external influences. The so-called ‘Bandwagon mentality’ exists and is a reality of the times. Sometimes we […]

Parental Duties: Obligation & Responsibility

There is no question about parental duties. It is both an obligation and a responsibility to raise well-adjusted, functional and socially healthy children. And of course as parents we do everything in our powers to comply with the duties entailed in being a good parent. It’s No Joke Being a Parent In a study done […]

Going Somewhere? Why?

USA Passport

Several significant advancements in travel have permitted more mobility among individuals in a variety of places around the world. Traveling has enabled people to move seamlessly between countries and borders while also increasing the economic earnings of the countries in which they have traveled. People can either live, work, study, or simply roam. But what are the factors that either entice or deter people from visiting a particular location?

Why the World has Shrunk

The World has Literally Shrunk. It is a small world after all! The world has become a unified village. The onset of globalization brought forth the homogeneity of peoples across the globe. Travel, education, work are now easily accessed by people beyond their geographical location. Technology has facilitated greater opportunity for many. The Globalized World […]