AI to Replace HR Professionals?


Human resources (HR) is not an exception to the manner in which artificial intelligence (AI) is inevitably changing industries at a rapid pace. Functions that formerly depended significantly on human supervision are becoming automated by AI. AI-driven technologies are progressively replacing traditional HR tasks

Understanding Your E-Bike: The Ultimate Guide

E-bike industry is up and growing with the increasing number of consumers who prefer to secure a ride of their own. E-bikes have become very popular to date as many commuters have preferred sustainable transportation means.

Scams: Don’t Be Fooled

Have you been a victim of a scam? New types of scams have recently emerged and you don’t want to be lured into these and fall prey onto these scammers. Recent findings have revealed how more than 50,000 individuals were reported victimized by scammers. Thousands of dollars were taken from them and not a cent […]

Technology & Human Need

Technology at this point in time has been associated with mobile devices and gadgets. Functionally it allows us to get rid of boredom, connect with friends and communicate with ease. Be mindful of this reality, technology is not only about all these modern devices. The truth is long before these modern tools came, technology covers […]

Why the World has Shrunk

The World has Literally Shrunk. It is a small world after all! The world has become a unified village. The onset of globalization brought forth the homogeneity of peoples across the globe. Travel, education, work are now easily accessed by people beyond their geographical location. Technology has facilitated greater opportunity for many. The Globalized World […]